Did you know that 1 in 3 women suffer with sensitive bladder related problems at sometime throughout their life?
I recently attended a press release that was hosted by Always Discreet in support of Dr Sarah Jarvis.
Around 45% of women sufferers (13% of men) do not discuss stories with anyone else, not even relatives or close friends and a staggering 42% felt it made them less attractive one thing needs to be said,

The short documentary followed Sandra Small, Alyth Yelland, Jane Duckworth, Corali Sacerdote and Claudia McDonald. Each women spoke of the empowerment that they have felt now that they've started talking about sensative bladders.
The Sensitive bladder pads absorbs liquid quickly. After 10 years the product was finally on testing stages and has recently been released to the open market throughout the UK, Germany and the US.
There are different types of sensitive bladder types.
Stress - When you leak after when you've sneezed, laughed, coughed, exercised or perhaps lifted something. This happens because the muscles become loose.
Urge -When you have the sudden need to use the bathroom and you cannot hold it. This happens when the bladder isn't full.
Overactive - Can be caused by diabetes, an infection, spinal injury, bladder stones or neurological condition.
Here are a few ideas that have been suggested that will help by the professionals teams and Asha Patel of the ' Wellbeing of women charity'.
- Cut the caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks. These drinks can irritate the bladder so its suggested to limit to a minimum for a week or two to see if it helps.
- Train your bladder. Try talking to your doctor for ideas on to help train your bladder hold its capacity. Always remember to empty your bladder completely when using the bathroom.
- Practice pelvic floor exercises as these have been proven to help.
- Practice regular relaxation techniques. Sensitive bladder can sometimes be affected more by anxiety and worrying. Practicing mental relaxation methods can help greatly.
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